Collectively known as The Ross Brothers, Bill and Turner Ross are utterly unique in their approach to filmmaking. In a conversation with our host Elliot Bloom, these American directors discuss how film can serve as a vehicle for social experiments, aiming to uncover deeper truths about ourselves and society. Their latest film, “Gasoline Rainbow,” offers a bold exploration by giving five Gen-Z teenagers the freedom to be entirely themselves on a classic American road trip. But what did The Ross Brothers learn on their own journey while making this film?

Book ⁠tickets⁠ to ⁠Gasoline Rainbow⁠ on June 26.

Book ⁠tickets⁠ to ⁠Hit The Road⁠ this summer.

Stream ⁠Gasoline Rainbow⁠ on ⁠MUBI⁠ – enjoy 30 days free with our special promo.

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