Take a trip down the dark alleys of Film Noir, filled with unscrupulous men, state corruption and crimes waiting to be sold. Listen to our hosts favourite urban thrillers, as they try to figure out what Film Noir even is. A genre? A style? Or a mode of production that dominated Hollywood post World-War II. Inspired by our current program Tales From Nightmare Alley, we dive deep into this infamous moment of American cinema that forever marked the cinematic landscape.

Partnership with MUBI

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with MUBI, a curated streaming platform. Together, we offer you 30 days free to watch hand-picked films discussed in the ongoing podcast series, a LAB111 podcast celebrating the intricate wonders of cinema.

Next episode

In celebration of David Lynch’s masterpiece Mullholland Drive being re-released in a 4K restoration, we will immerse ourselves in the now Oxford English Dictionary defined ‘Lynchian’ world. Effortlessly balancing on the dividing line between art and mainstream, artistic centipede Lynch established himself in a career full of iconic films as the figurehead of American surrealist cinema. His feature films sketch a dream reality in which he dissects the violent tendencies beneath the surface of American culture in a gruesome and humorous way. You’re in for a Lynchian-styled treat.

Films mentioned

(click on the links for tickets to screenings at LAB111 & Tales From Nightmare Alley programme)

Our hosts

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