Sean Price Williams, a stalwart in American indie cinematography, has boldly embarked on his directorial debut with The Sweet East. This exhilarating journey, starring the captivating Talia Ryder, serves as a critical love letter to...
Baloji is a prolific francophone rapper, known for his visually striking and poetic style. So his turn to filmmaking only seemed like a natural evolution of his talents. Speaking with the Belgian-Congolese director, Elliot discusses...
A year ago, over a thousand AI experts, researchers, and supporters urged for a pause in AI development to assess its capabilities and dangers. Unsurprisingly, that didn’t happen. For us film lovers, maybe we were…
Do AI portrayals in film predict a future of robotic overlords or simply offer a chance to innovate cinema? Artificial Intelligence in cinema goes way back. Spanning from Fritz Lang’s 1927 Metropolis and robot Maria,...
Amidst the abundance of parodies, memes, and impersonations, there exists an undeniable uniqueness to the American actor Nicolas Cage. It’s easy to dismiss him as an over-the-top actor, yet beneath the surface lies a talent...
After a steamy winter featuring Emerald Fennell’s Saltburn, the internet was sent into a frenzy over – a fairly mediocre – erotic murder drama, that featured copious amounts of sex. Naturally, Laura Gommans, friend of...
“Obviously Doctor, you’ve never been a 13-year-old girl.” (Cecilia, Virgin Suicides) Affectionately known as cinema’s favorite ‘Nepo Baby’, Sofia Coppola has come a long way from her initial appearance in her father’s iconic trilogy, The...
“I would like to make a film to tell children “it’s good to be alive”.” ― Hayao Miyazaki It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t love Hayao Miyazaki’s films. Regardless of age, there is something profound...
“Hope is political. If you have hope then you have confidence you can change things” After 60 years of filmmaking, British filmmaker & icon Ken Loach offers what may well be his most urgent message...
I’ve always believed that cinema is not just meant to be watched but to be discussed. Since starting this podcast, Celebrating Cinema, for me at least, has been a space where we try to understand…
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